We are available to assist with the sale of a single great work of art or an entire collection. As advisors, we believe it is vital that our clients are guided through the many ways of offering pieces for sale and that they are protected from potential weaknesses in the art market.

PRIVATE TREATY SALES to an Institution or Museum can offer significant tax incentives. For example, a work of art offered under the Acceptance in Lieu scheme is worth 17% more to the vendor than if the item was sold at public auction. 

PRIVATE SALES to collectors offer a number of advantages to the vendor, most importantly they reduce the level of risk and uncertainty when compared to selling at public auction. Selling by private sale is discreet, occasionally quicker and the price remains confidential.

AUCTION There are times when certain pieces are best sold with the full publicity platform of a public auction. We have the capacity to identify the most appropriate specialist auction and negotiate on the vendor’s behalf directly with the primary international auction houses to achieve the best terms.

CONSIGNMENT to a gallery, agent or dealer provides security based on a fixed price and sufficient time to find the appropriate buyer. It also protects pieces from failure at public auction which can significantly damage the value of a work of art.

HM Revenue & Customers: “Due to certain tax benefits, a work of art offered under the Acceptance in Lieu scheme is worth 17% more to the offerer than if the item was sold at public auction”